maandag 30 december 2013

2013: Great Memories, 2014: New You?

It’s that time of the year! I can't believe that tomorrow is already 2013's last day. I just want to wish you a very happy new year and may all your wishes come true. I bet 2014 will be even better than 2013!

Time to celebrate and think about the good memories of 2013

What if you could bring all your best moments of 2013 to life? AWESOME! Of course you can. Most of us love capturing moments and taking pictures with our smartphone, thanks to Instagram. We all have tons of photos!

2013 in review: Flipagram


Flipagram is a free app - available on the app store and Android-  where you can create and share a beautiful short video slideshow  using your photos, set to music you love. Just link up your Instagram account and pull directly from it. You can manually choose the length of each slide and when all that is done, you just choose a great song from your music library to go along with the Flipagram video.

Now it’s time to share your moments of awesomeness in 2013 on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and so on. It’s a great way to get a little nostalgic with your photos and get others to experience it with you.

You can check my Flipagram ‘Memories 2013’:

New year, new me?

New year, New me bullshit

Every single time we set ourselves achievable goals for the next year. And every single time, it is a fiasco. Well, let me help you by introducing some apps that will encourage you achieving your goals.

  • ‘Everest’ seems to be a great app! It is designed to help you live your dreams and focus on goals and achieve them along with the help of others. Steps towards your goal can be added as you need them. I really love this concept, unfortunately it is only available in the app store.
  • Stress?! Need some chill-pill?  ‘Take a break’ is an app for you. It lets your stress melt away. Relax easily as you are voice-guided step by step. Choose a relaxing audio and begin your relaxation for 7 or 13 minutes. (ios-android)
  • This is cliché: suddenly everyone wants to stop smoking (ha-ha). Maybe you will, with ‘QuitNow’!It is the most complete tool to quit smoking and it helps you to cope with anxiety. You’ll see the time since your last cigarette (minutes, days, hours,..), how many cigarettes you have avoided and most important: the money you have saved! (ios-android)
  • If you want to lose weight, ‘Lose It!’ will help you to stay in your calorie budget. (ios – android)
  • Last but not least: you want a date? There are plenty of dating apps, such as ‘Tinder’, ‘Badoo’, ‘Skout’ and many more. 

Hope you can achieve your goals! Happy 2014!

Brett Dufort - Application Inspiration
Student Digital Marketing at Ehsal Management school - ehsaldmc

zaterdag 14 december 2013

All The Single Ones, Meet Tinder!

Online dating, why not? In the U.S. it is the most common thing to do. Tinder is an app that sets people up with romantic matches by geographic proximity and age. It is how THE dating scene looks like for the millennial generation. So if you are single, if you want to meet some people or if you just want to have a laugh, download Tinder on your smartphone.

Oh no, hot or not?

Yes indeed, it is like the ‘hot or not’ game, hilarious! It allows users to swipe through the photos. If you click the heart button, it means you like the person. And if you swipe to the  left, you will never have to see that ugly face again. You only see some photos (profile pics), common Facebook friends and common Facebook ‘interests’. So yes, it is based on someone’s appearences. Users have to have Facebook, because Tinder uses your account.

Yaaay, I have a match!

When you like someone, the person won’t be aware of that. But if he or she likes you too, you have a match! After being matched, you are able to chat, share links to favorite poems (so not done), exchange numbers, or do whatever you want to do. I am not really good at this. The guys have to take the next step, right girls?

My experience as Misses Picky

I have downloaded the app because I was curious, and seriously, who doesn’t want to receive attention? Besides, I have heard a lot about this app so this made me want to check it out.

So I have decided to limit my ‘circle’ with boys of 21 to 26 years old and within a distance of maximum 30 kilometers. Unfortunately, this app made me realize –again- that I am Misses Picky! I only want the best, the most beautiful boys in the world. Why oh why? That is why I already worked through my circle, no boys anymore near Ghent, great... Only 5 likes and 4 re-likes (matches). And they didn’t even begin chatting with me, thanks guys. 

I have also noticed that there are some users who are already in a relationship. That is NOT what the app was made for actually. But stating the obvious, everyone loves attention, especially if it comes from the other sex. It is the best feeling when someone ‘likes’ you and you have a match, even if you are in a relationship.

On top of that, it is always so hilarious when you see someone you know, especially when they are lying about their age!

Tinder is just fun! So yes, I recommend you –the singles- to take a look at it.

What do you think of online dating nowadays?

Brett Dufort - Application Inspiration
Student Digital Marketing at Ehsal Management school - ehsaldmc

dinsdag 10 december 2013

Happy Is More Than a Music Video, Let's Call It Intelligent Marketing

There is always a tear behind a great smile. When you’re feeling down or sad, it is hard to make yourself feel better. Well, if there is one thing that made me smile that little more, it is the 24-hour ‘Happy’ video of Pharrell Williams. No kidding, 24 hours long! The groove just makes me dancing in my head all day long! The longer I listen to the song –which is btw the Despicable Me 2 soundtrack, the more I forget I’m hearing the same song all over again.

I like dancing, music and marketing! Maybe that’s why I ‘m a huge fan of “Happy”

The world’s first 24-hour video consists of images and people dancing to the song, including other celebrities like Steve Carrell, Kelly Osbourne and Jamie Foxxx. The video is presented as an interactive clock. Users can click specific times to jump ahead,  watching a few second of each performance. Each performance/take lasts 4 minutes, 4 minutes of dancing in the streets of LA.

Marketing it is!

This is not just another music video. It is an ingenious content marketing move! It shows you what you can do and what the capabilities are of a ridiculously simple idea. On top of that, how would you describe this project? Is it just a music video or is it art? But maybe, it is a great internet campaign? Yes indeed, ‘Happy’ is everything. Lines are continually being blurred between medium, artists, creation and communication, and that’s what I call great marketing.

The website has already 5 000 000 views! It creates powerful buzz, a dream for every marketer. Everyone can share his moment of happiness, and sure they do!

Unfortunately, the site doesn’t work on mobile – only on your desktop or tablet. Of course, as a digital marketer, I think it is a shame because responsive design is a must nowadays. It is the user experience that enables visitors to consume and share content on any website through the device of their choice and preference, anytime. The video is doing ok and is going viral, but when they should give us the possibility to view it on our mobile phone, the views and shares would increase even more!


If you want to cheer yourself up, I highly recommend you to listen to the song and watch the video. But I’ll warn you, you will lose some time! Time goes faster than you think. I’m already addicted.  And don’t forget to share your moment of happiness…

Please let me know: do you agree? Is this Marketing? 

Brett Dufort - Application Inspiration
Student Digital Marketing at Ehsal Management school - ehsaldmc

vrijdag 6 december 2013

Flowboard Is the Real Deal!

My little secret

digitale marketing
I admit, if there’s one thing I could do all day long, it’s making good looking presentations. Well, I discovered a new app that has made me love presentations even more – o god.

While I was looking at the app store on my iPad, I found it! Flowboard – a.k.a heaven. It is a presentation and storytelling app / platform.

6 reasons why Flowboard is dope:


All types of content can be shown on a tablet. Flowboard knows this! Buttons, videos, web links, photos can be added from your Instagram, Dropbox, Facebook.  Your viewers will be able to explore web links without leaving the presentation and they can dive deeper into a photo gallery etc.


Each Flowboard has a unique URL that can be shared to  individuals, or to your entire social network, by sending or posting a link.

Online / offline

While presenting your Flowboard, others can explore on the iPad. This makes it even more interactive. But the most important thing is that there is no internet connection needed on the iPad.

Best of both worlds

Powerpoint is so 2008! Flowboard is the real deal. 
The app is not a powerpoint, nor a photo gallery. But it has the best of both worlds.


The presentation is visually stunning, professional, awesome, dope! It is important that you can grab the attention of your listeners. I guarantee you that is not an issue anymore with Flowboard. On top of that, people are attracted to tablets. Presenting with an iPad makes it more interesting and professional.


With simple touch gestures, you can add text, web links, pdfs, photos and videos, which makes it a compelling story that will captivate your viewers. There are some existing templates and graphics that you can use, which are designed by a Flowboard designer team.

Here is an example of a short presentation I made for Desperados – assignment Digital Marketing at Ehsal. 
Full presentation

digitale marketing

digitale marketing

digitale marketing


Brett Dufort - Application Inspiration
Student Digital Marketing at Ehsal Management school - ehsaldmc

Why Digital Marketing at Ehsal Is Worth the Money

Digitale Marketing - Ehsal 
As you may know already, I’m studying Digital Marketing and Communications at Ehsal Management school in Brussels. Even though it is not in my favorite city of all time – which is Ghent, it is worth it. It’s only for a year anyway.

And no, I didnt choose it because I didn’t want to work yet, cause that is the wrong attitude. Here are some reasons why Digital Marketing at Ehsal was the best choice for me!

Guest speakers
We literally learn from the best. All our lessons are guest lectures and seminars, which means that our lecturers are real business people with a lot of experience. That makes it more interesting and they know how to amuse the students. Some online marketing gurus from Flanders we’ve already had are Bart de Waele, Kenny Vermeulen, Thomas Troch, Bert Van Wassenhove, Tom de Ruyck etc.

The real benefit is that we get a lot of assignments that have to be done in groups. On the one hand, teamwork is good for your social skills and it teaches you how to work in a team. And on the other hand, it is very instructive! We’re all used to memorizing big manual by heart, but you learn a lot more a doing and making mistakes.

For real companies
All the assignments and everything we must do, are for real companies (like VRT, Incofin, Desperados). We are helping them with their social media or their online marketing. With the help of coaching sessions, we know what ( that we’re doing ok) we’re doing ok and what has to be better. 

So actually, we are already doing stuff like we will do in the near future. This is our job…

We are wanted
It is a fact that the landscape of marketing has changed over the last decade. Digitalism can’t be ignored!  Areas that everyone should keep an eye on are the areas of digital marketing, multichannel marketing, and ecommerce. As a marketing professional you have no choice but to get involved in the digital world! Otherwise things could be dangerous for your company in the future. Digital marketers are there to help you! Believe it or not…

Ehsal is forward-looking
They all are doing their very best to prepare us for the future. The lecturers are  giving us advise, tips and may give us a job in their company, if you stand out of course. Because all of the lecturers are taught by real business people, we are expanding our professional network. And that is always a bonus!!

If you don’t believe THIS is the future, please watch this video! I mean, social media has already taken over porn as the number one activity on the web!! 

Brett Dufort - Application InspirationStudent Digital Marketing at Ehsal Management school - ehsaldmc