zaterdag 14 december 2013

All The Single Ones, Meet Tinder!

Online dating, why not? In the U.S. it is the most common thing to do. Tinder is an app that sets people up with romantic matches by geographic proximity and age. It is how THE dating scene looks like for the millennial generation. So if you are single, if you want to meet some people or if you just want to have a laugh, download Tinder on your smartphone.

Oh no, hot or not?

Yes indeed, it is like the ‘hot or not’ game, hilarious! It allows users to swipe through the photos. If you click the heart button, it means you like the person. And if you swipe to the  left, you will never have to see that ugly face again. You only see some photos (profile pics), common Facebook friends and common Facebook ‘interests’. So yes, it is based on someone’s appearences. Users have to have Facebook, because Tinder uses your account.

Yaaay, I have a match!

When you like someone, the person won’t be aware of that. But if he or she likes you too, you have a match! After being matched, you are able to chat, share links to favorite poems (so not done), exchange numbers, or do whatever you want to do. I am not really good at this. The guys have to take the next step, right girls?

My experience as Misses Picky

I have downloaded the app because I was curious, and seriously, who doesn’t want to receive attention? Besides, I have heard a lot about this app so this made me want to check it out.

So I have decided to limit my ‘circle’ with boys of 21 to 26 years old and within a distance of maximum 30 kilometers. Unfortunately, this app made me realize –again- that I am Misses Picky! I only want the best, the most beautiful boys in the world. Why oh why? That is why I already worked through my circle, no boys anymore near Ghent, great... Only 5 likes and 4 re-likes (matches). And they didn’t even begin chatting with me, thanks guys. 

I have also noticed that there are some users who are already in a relationship. That is NOT what the app was made for actually. But stating the obvious, everyone loves attention, especially if it comes from the other sex. It is the best feeling when someone ‘likes’ you and you have a match, even if you are in a relationship.

On top of that, it is always so hilarious when you see someone you know, especially when they are lying about their age!

Tinder is just fun! So yes, I recommend you –the singles- to take a look at it.

What do you think of online dating nowadays?

Brett Dufort - Application Inspiration
Student Digital Marketing at Ehsal Management school - ehsaldmc

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