maandag 3 juni 2013

5 Ways to Rock That Internship and to Become the Best Intern Your Company Has Had

Hey congrats and welcome to the real business world. If you’re an intern like me, you probably will be stressed out!  Like the different stages in a buying cycle process, there are also different stages you will pass during an internship.  The first few days I felt a bit lonely because my colleagues were obviously all strangers for me and it was actually the first time my independence really began. I didn’t know how to act, I didn’t know what my capacities were, I felt like a tiny girl in a big big world.

But from then on, everything went great. You will discover the nice atmosphere, you get to know your lovely colleagues and you will be fully focused on your tasks. I felt like Rocky who didn’t want to stop and go on.  

So no worries cause everything will be okay in the end.

There are actually ways to rock your internship and I’ll tell you with pleasure the tips and tricks I use(d), which of course doesn’t mean that I’m the best intern they had. But just believe me, figuring out what to wear and where to go when it’s lunchtime are not the main questions to ask yourself.

5 Ways to Rock That  Internship

1.      Get to know the company
The first thing I did when I got here, is trying to understand what the company is about. You can read the whole website, read blog-articles, use the product or service by yourself,... And most important, know the vision and mission of your company so you can fully integrate yourself in the enterprise and you will be accepted as a real employee. It will also help to be successful in your job role. Cause nothing’s worse than talking about smartphones while your company sells tablets, just to make it clear.

2.      Be yourself but be humble
Do you ever pretend you’re someone else? Please, there is no need to because you’ll be exposed as incompetent and as a fool. Be yourself and they will all love you. Just make sure you are humble, this will result in a good relationship with your internship mentor. You are the newbie at the office and you should act accordingly. So please do not think you are still in secondary school where you were Miss or Mister Popular.

3.      Stay positive
An internship is a learning process so it doesn’t matter if you're making some mistakes, that's why it's for actually. So what I am trying to say is that you have to stay positive, no matter what. No task is too small for you. Working with a smile on your face in the office will make you a memorable intern, it will even give you some brownie points.

4.      Communicate 
It is recommended to have a weekly meeting with your mentor to talk about your progress and tasks. I asked for feedback cause it is a great way  to learn more and to know what competences I have. Open communication is the key to trust, which is very important.

5. Say goodbye to your comfort zone 
Your comfort zone is a metaphorical circle where you are situated in at the moment.  But come on, step out of your comfort zone and create a life full of possibilities and ambitions. Yes I know, it is safe, neutral and amusing out there. I never said it will be easy. It is also hard for me but I know that by challenging myself and doing things I am scared of, I won’t feel any fear next time…I hope. They all say your world will open so let’s believe it. 

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